Post Weekend Update

Well Friday was a busy day like expected, with many triaged,  numerous wounds dressed  and medications were handed out.  We also made a couple hospital trips, one van load again with two nurses for some more tests like X-ray and ultrasounds.  Sadly we encountered out first very ill patient who had to be physically carried in by family and friends, she was brought by on the experienced nurses to hospital in hopes to be admitted for care and treatment.  There was a lot of issues with test results, treatment and transfers amongst hospitals, but our nurse left this young 21 year old girl in the hospital with an emergency contact number so that we could help her recieve the care she needed to get better.  Saturday we had a half day with a party- Well we were told it was a half day but if you do the hours it was more of a 75% day. The day flew by as us Canadian nurses, Kenya nurses, chief medical officer were all looking forward to some relaxing fun time together that afternoon.  Despite a light rain fall, we still managed to enjoy some pizza, candy, and drinks together after the rain stopped..the rain made the dance…

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Trip update…Late again ( Sorry)

Good morning everyone from Kakamega ! Everyone says nurses are the jack of all trades, well let me tell you- this nurse is no IT specialist..we ran into some website hiccups but luckily we are back up and running and we will be able to provide daily updates going forward . Update on clinic day 3 : We had out largest crowd yet at Kigama Friends Chuch, over 600 people seen and roughly 20 wounds addressed and 2 people taken to the emergency clinic and over 30 reading glasses distributed. We held a huddle before the day and opened end up lines of communication even better amongst the whole team and we could tell the different the day went smoothly as we are now in our groove and have developed a good system amongst triage, chief clinical officers and medication distributions . Maternal child program update day 3: The three nurses in this program got the chance to visit the Kegondi Health centre- this facility is where they treat people with HIV, TB and also an outpatient clinic for small surgeries and wound care/fractures they also have a 5 bed postpartum ward equipped with mosquito nets . Update on clinic day 4: Well it was…

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2024 CNFA Trip- post one, better late the never.

Hi everyone ! I am Cassidy , and I will be the blogger for the 2024 nursing trip , along with my friend Amberly … we are new to this team this year and we’ve quickly developed the nickname of the “dream team” so I think everyone had some high hopes for this blog when we were picked for this… but I mean it’s better late then never , and I’ll explain why it’s late later on…we are newbies at this mission and the blogging scene so bare with us please .  So here we finally go… On May 2nd 2024 , 15 nurses from across Canada began the 2024 nursing mission .  After a couple long , and even cold( freezing some might say ) plane rides , we finally arrived late in the evening in Nairobi, Kenya on May 3rd .  We spent the day of May 4th doing some team bonding , and attempted to beat the jet lag by visiting the Giraffe Centre , Karen Blixen museum , and the African heritage house .  While our luggage ( personal and donations ) went on a road trip to kakamega as the suitcases were deemed to be too big for the plane in the…

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