Wheelchairs and Fundraisers

Dear friends and family. Canadian Nurses for Africa is pleased to let you know that we have had 5 wheelchairs and 1 pair of crutches delivered to patients we treated while in Kenya in May 2012. Some of these people had been struggling with their disability for years. What a wonderful gift of increased mobility we have been able to give them through your support. From each of them, thank you to each of you who have so generously supported our fundraisers and given cash donations. You have truly impacted their lives in a positive way. There are still many to help though and we at CNFA remain committed to do as much as we can. The wheelchairs are manufactured in Kenya. In a small way we are also helping with employment in a country where unemployment is as high as 80%. As well, the wheelchairs are designed to withstand use on the rough terrain of the countryside. On a separate note I would like to remind you of our next fundraiser which is fast approaching. If you live in the Burlington/Guelph area, we hope to see you there! The profits will provide more care and remember- we are all volunteers at CNFA so all money raised goes…

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Project Update: Wheelchairs September 07, 2012

On September 7, 2012 CNFA had 5 wheelchairs and one pair of crutches delivered to 5 adults and one child. While working in Kenya we at times see people at our clinics, or during a home visit, who have suffered a stroke or mishap that has left them with a loss of mobility. This can be complete or partial paralysis. We also occasionally see those with neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy. Upon returning to Canada we work with the Association of Physically Disabled of Kenya to provide appropriate assistive devices for these patients. With the assistance of a community worker, this organization will visit the patient in their home to assess the needs. The wheelchairs and crutches are all manufactured in Kenya using Kenyan labour. They are heavy duty and designed to withstand the rough terrain on which they will be used.

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Working in an environment such as we have the last two weeks takes a toll on each of us both physically and emotionally. Each person deals with it the best they can and in their own way. And sometimes it will just come pouring out. It is usually something small that will trigger an unexpected response. Kristie is a third year nursing student at Queen’s University and this is her story.Today was a very emotional day for me-and as I left my triage spot in tears over some things that had really disturbed me, I found myself beside a young girl in a school uniform, who asked me why I was so upset.Her name was Pamela; she is 18 years old with three children. She is training to be a seamstress. I dedicate this post to her.Pamela, you took me in when I was at such an emotional low and you treated me like a long lost friend. You let me watch you at work, copying down your lesson. You talked to me for half an hour to calm me down, telling me not to have fear. For three hours, you introduced me to your peers; you showed me how to dress the Kenyan way; you…

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Hando, Thursday May 10, 2012

We travelled to a vocational school today. It was quite a nice facility on the whole but there were only a few handicapped students in attendance. Unfortunately, the clinic was held in two places: registration and triage were outside under a covered walkway with the clinical officers and medication in a small room with poor lighting and ventilation. I am not sure why it couldn’t have been held in the large spacious dining room. As such, it was crowded and we had to close the clinic before quite a large number of people were seen. As it was, we treated 961 people along with deworming and a sexual health clinic at a nearby school.This is a very poor school, with the children’s uniforms having seen better days. Lynn distributed sanitary pads along with the cute bags sewn for us by Saskatchewan women. The girls use them to carry their pads home and to say they are delighted with them is an understatement. Trish prepared a large number of squares for an African quilt before she left Canada. She identified 24 students around 12 and 13 years old and asked them to draw on the squares. She is going to make a quilt out of it…

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