Clinic Day 3 – Chavuli Pag Wodanga

Today Meaghan, Hilary and Johnstone went to three homes for jiggers treatments where they sprayed down the homes and clothing of the families and soaked their hands and feet in potassium permanganate to rid the jiggers. They also fitted the family with all new clothing. 

Meaghan and Patti also went on another home visit to treat an elderly lady with cellulitis. As they were heading there, Laura asked “where are you going?” And Kenyan nurse Jane responded with “on safari!!”

Marie, Harriet and I played soccer for at least two hours with 150 kids who were just booting the ball wherever and whenever they could – it was less of a game of soccer and more of a game of dodge the ball that’s coming straight for your face. At one point I subbed out with Meaghan who said “I don’t want to get hit in the face again this year” but then continued to join the game anyways.

Today was Karen and Kristen’s birthdays and Hilary found out she got a new job so we celebrated with some tuskers (shocker) and cake. 

We ended our clinic day with a 6km walk through the village with the locals where Victor pushed Laura and I in front of someone coming head on towards us on a motorcycle. Thankfully he missed but Victor says it’s better to cross the road in a group because it’s better to die in a group then alone. 

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Cheryl steele

    Appreciate the celebration of Karen and Kristen’s birthday, along with Hillary’s new job..I’ve been following the blog and feel grateful for the good work that the group is doing. I’ve been so moved by your dedication and commitment to the residents of Kenya. Keep up the great work. Love seeing so many big smiles.
    P.s. now Kristen has her luggage which is awesome, has the cockroach vacated his home under the wastebasket

  2. Patricia Adams

    This is awesome work you are doing there! I look forward to reading your daily pictures and entries.

  3. Patricia Adams

    This is awesome work you are doing there! I look forward to reading your daily entries and viewing the pictures.

  4. Sharon Bearpark

    Happy Birthday dear Kristen! I’m so glad your luggage arrived. It looks as if your group is already making a big impact ! Well done all of you. Stay safe and enjoy the adventure and those amazing people 🙂

  5. Tonia Christie

    Yikes travelling on the roads sounds dangerous…glad you had a great birthday Kristen and Karen.
    doing an awesome job you are all amazing!!

    take care
    Aunt Tonia XX and the crew

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