Clinic Day One at Itegero – Basali West

Day one of clinics started off in true Kenyan time – pole pole (slowly slowly) as they say in Swahili. Because of the upcoming election, it was around 930am by the time we opened the clinic. We packed 18 of us plus medications into the 12 passenger matatu and made our way to a small village. Of course Solomon was there bright and early, riding in on his motorcycle eager to greet us.






Our clinical officers in their CNFA white coats.

Becca had her first experience with going to the bathroom in a hole in the ground in a tiny shed that locked from the outside – interesting to say the least. But if the cows mooing in behind didn’t get her bowels fired up, I don’t know what would.

Laura, Krista and Karen learned how to deworm children and had a good game of ring around the rosie going.








Although a slower than usual start to the day, we treated a total of 425 people, taught 30 young girls about sexual health, treated 9 wounds, dewormed 161 children, sent 1 baby with stridor to the hospital and out of 22 Rapid Diagnostic Malaria tests, 13 were positive and treated for.




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