Intro – I’m Michelle, Gail’s niece, and I have the privilege of managing the blog this year.
Quick update…
We picked up the medication today from the chemist in Kisumo. If you ‘like’ our Canadian Nurses for Africa facebook page you can see the picture of the van, PACKED FULL of just boxes, no humans except for the driver. Everything was sorted and organized this afternoon/evening, and after a good (hopefully) night’s sleep, we will head to our first villege – Itegero – Basali East.
FYI – Priscilla’s room rocks. She has a swuite and this is finding herself inundated with requests to use her kettle to make me coffee. Or sit at her table. And sit in her comfy chair.
Lynn and Trish are hiking up and down a veritable mountain of stairs.
Monica’s room leaks like a sieve but she is a great sport about it.
I shower in the dark. When I asked about a lightbulb for my bathroom, I go a look like, ‘what? You have a bathroom?’ LOL…
Excited for tomorrow! Thank you to everyone who makes this mission possible!
Wow. Sounds like another great adventure. Of course Lynn has found a mountain to climb. Even if it was 120 degrees, she would be working out.
Canadian Nurses of Africa, you are an inspiration to us all! Thank you for your incredible hard work, dedication, and endless compassion! I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that if everyone were like you, the world would be a much better place. Thank you!!!
To my mom, Lynn, we love and miss you! You are such an amazing role model, we would be lost without you! Love you!!! Oh and the house isn’t burned down … yet : )