I should call this blog Tails From Beneath the Net, since I write this at night in my bed all tucked in under the mosquito net…usually.
Today we headed to Kedohi Friends School for our clinic. When schools are in we will do deworming, if the government hasn’t already done it (and they haven’t) and hold sexual health classes for the girls at the school. There may be a boys class too, but mainly this is for the girls. It provides information on how they can protect themselves and empower them. Many girls will have had their first pregnancy in their teens, babies looking after babies. During this class reusable sanitary pads are also handed out. Since menstrual products are so expensive and unaffordable girls don’t attend school for at least a week per month as they don’t have any products to use to contain the flow. Missing that much school they fall behind and eventually will drop out. The provision of feminine hygiene products enables them to remain in school. The pads we take are donated by a group of sewers in Saskatchewan, our thanks and gratitudego out to these sewers.
Being right next to the school also brought much attention to us. Trying to get candid shots of the children at play resulted in them lining up to have their picture taken. We brought some soccer (football in Kenya) balls with us and provided the school with them and a game or two may have broke out…and some of our young(er) nurses may have participated.
Team Member Intro: Meet Nancy, she is a Nurse Practitioner and works in HIV Care at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. She says “I believe in sharing knowledge, education & resources – we come from such an abundant country.” She chose CNFA as “it was an opportunity to work with like minded nurses & a shorter mission allows me to work and contribute.”
Great work ladies…and guys…and a Happy Nurses Week!!!!!