Travelling while travelling

Blog, Mission 2024 Many of the villages we visit are so rural and remote, they are without running water or electricity. One important aspect of the clinics is reaching as many different people as we can, so our medical camps travel to different villages every day. Most villages are within 45 mins-1 hour away from our home base hotel in Kakamega. The Shaywey hotel is a lovely little place to stay, the staff are so kind and attentive to our whims and wishes at breakfast and dinner, offering laundry service and always greeting us with a cheery “morning, morning” often asking us how our day went.  Each morning we load up our van with all of our supplies, medication and materials needed for the clinic and the teaching of the Maternal program and hit the road with our amazing drivers Jeff, Johnston and Evans…. Who I  believe are the most patient men in the country…. They gracefully put up with us all day 😊. Once we are set up and seeing people in that day’s village we are often faced with need exceeding what we can offer in the clinic setting. Sometimes more acute medical concerns come up and we take people to the local hospital for…

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Kenya update: on the ground

Blog, Mission 2024 Jambo from Kenya, we have had a wild ride with technology connection but here we are. we have been in an area of Kenya called Kakamega since last week and have already had 9 of our scheduled clinics… time flies when you are doing good in the world! Each clinic we have seen anywhere from 500-600 deserving Kenyan’s. For many of these people they haven’t had access to health care since last year…. Something most of us cannot imagine. We have been so fortunate to learn from our Kenyan partners … the nurses, Clinical officers and the community health partners. There have been so many amazing moments of connection and sharing. One really neat thing we have been working on this year is the Maternal Health program…. While it’s great to offer assessment, treatment and medication in our medical camps, it is also important to help further the education of the people who will be supporting new moms when we leave. The educational program is being so well received and the Maternal program group have been overjoyed with the great strides they are making…. Good job team. Our medical camps have been working closely with the ongoing local Jiggers program, to treat…

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