Thank you from Gail Wolters

It has been an amazing and successful week.  We heard many sad stories along with stories of human triump.  Our hearts have been broken and we have also rejoiced.  I want to thank my Canadian team, who worked so hard everyday to provide as much care to as many people as we could. I also want to thank our Kenyan team who took such good care of us from a security point of view, and thank you to the Kenayn medical staff. 

Our final numbers are stunning.  At 7 regualr clinics, we treated 4,905 patients, with a range of illness from malaria to wounds.  In our school deworming program, we treated 1,633 children along with school staff for a total of 6,538.  Nine patients were transported and treated at hospital, some of whom would have surely died if we had not been able to care for them and to pay their fees.  In addition, we gave out 50 pairs of glasses and conducted at least 6 sexual health clinics. 

All of this is only possible through the generous donations of family, friends and all those who have shown they care through their gifts of money, goods and time. 

We are on our way home exhausted and full of conflicting emotions.  The people of this country need so much for the poverty is staggering.  Thank you everyone.

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