Jambo friends and family,
Excitement is building as we make final preparations for departure to Kenya at the end of this month. It’s hard to believe that only four short years ago, over a cup of coffee at Tim Horton’s, I posed the idea to Aggrey, of Nurses for Africa doing medical missions in Kenya. Until then I had only done fundraisers here in Canada. We dared to dream! And we turned out to be a great team! Aggrey has a passion for helping the disadvantaged in his home country and takes the responsibility of organizing the Kenyan side of the missions. Canadian Nurses for Africa has grown more than I could have ever imagined. I thank our families for supporting us, especially through that first year.
What a fabulous team I have travelling with me again this year! Once again we will be working with Kenyan nurses and doctors. For the first time, in conjunction with the field clinics, we will be piloting a school programme. This involves deworming all children and staff and giving sexual health education to the older students. The chosen school is in an area of extreme poverty and has approximately 500 students in grades one to eight.
None of this would be possible without the support of each of you. It is only with the generosity of friends, families and community that we are able to carry out this work. I encourage each of you to take this journey with us by following our blog. You will experience firsthand the positive impact your contributions have on the people we treat in our clinics.
Once again, on behalf of everyone at CNFA, a heartfelt Thank You!
Gail Wolters
Founder and President
Canadian Nurses for Africa