We have spent the day organizing ourselves

We have spent the day organizing ourselves.  We had to bully the staff here a little to have them remove both beds from the room we use to store the medication.  But they kindly did it, with the manager helping in his nice suit and tie.
We walked over to a nearby market (as a group of course) and  purchased a few supplies we need for the clinic, such as salt and water to make our own saline for wound care.  We also ordered some treasures for the race goody bag from Kakamega craftsman.  We are waiting for the rest of the group to arrive. Watching the excitement of the women when they get off the bus, jet lagged, weary and shaken to the bones from the road, is a delight. 
Tomorrow we start our first clinic in Ikobero.  That is the reason we are here.  I hope you can keep on reading as our weeks progress and leave us a note on the blog if you want to post a comment or ask a question.
Talk to you soon, 

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