Megg comes to CFNA with over 25 years of professional experience in various sectors and with various forms of philanthropic giving and corporate partnership work, sales and marketing. Her degree in Behavioural Science coupled with her passion for community lends itself to a focus on organizations that have people and community at the core. CFNA’s work in Africa, building stronger, healthier and safer communities and the ways in which our Canadian nurses further give back to our Canadian healthcare culture are core functions that Megg wishes to drive forward with strategic fundraising plans, and a broader scope for CFNA moving forward.
The mother of four girls in their teen years, giving back, modeling volunteerism, and sharing experiences beyond their immediate scope are further important reasons why Megg is looking to make a difference as a Board Director with CFNA. Megg also serves on other boards that have a community initiative while she works full time and raises her children.