Clinic Day 1 – Isitsi Salvation Army Izava South

We started our day one of clinics in the village of where Solomon greeted us with song and prayer as he does every morning.

Marie and Nancy had their first experience with the outdoor toilets aka holes in the ground – “they were better in the morning, you need to breath through your mouth” – Marie

 and I and Kenyan nurse Rosaline assessed and handed out reading glasses to 34 people.

Lynn and Kristen and Kenyan nurse Sarah taught sexual health to a classroom full of school girls. 

Hilary and Marie went on a hospital transfer with 4 patients to a hospital that was about 2km away from our clinic. Two of the patients were very young with bad burns, one that was a burn that happened two years ago that we dressed and the other was a young boy who was admitted and will receive IV antibiotics. Another patient was a teenager with a swollen knee joint that was dislocated and eventually casted and the fourth patient was a young pregnant woman who was having abdominal pain. 

While at the hospital, Hilary and Marie also got to “scrub in” and see a pericardial thoracentesis. 

Update on Kristen’s luggage: it still hasn’t arrived but thankfully we have over 500 pairs of donated underwear she can borrow. 

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Linda Greenway

    What an amazing first day. Thanks for sharing. Such wonderful work.

  2. Eric

    You are all so inspiring! Thank god there are people like you willing to help people who need it most, all while expecting nothing in return; you guys represent the best in us : )

  3. Tonia Christie

    Hi to you all, sounds like you are doing an amazing job. Hopefully Kristen’s luggage will show up, hospital greens will work.
    The pictures are incredible and show that your presence there is greatly needed. Keep up the good work.
    Kristen, we send love and hugs, take care.

    Aunt Tonia Uncle Jim

  4. Tracy

    Great work guys. ❤️

  5. Tonia Christie

    LOVE YOU !!

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